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House in Pedrezuela - €300,000
Project Proposal: Investment Opportunity in Pedrezuela, Madrid
We are excited to present an exclusive investment opportunity to acquire a charming second-hand house in Pedrezuela, Madrid. This property, valued at €300,000, is ideally situated close to nature and offers a plethora of recreational activities. The house will be used to rent rooms on, providing a steady stream of income and a unique experience for guests.
Location Highlights
• Proximity to Nature: Nestled near the beautiful Sierra de Madrid, the house offers breathtaking views and access to hiking trails.
• Recreational Activities: Guests can enjoy a variety of activities including kayaking on nearby lakes, cycling, motorcycling, and karting at the local track.
• Sports Facilities: The area boasts a top-notch sports center with an amazing pool and a Nautical Club.
• Cultural Appeal: Pedrezuela is home to a famous restaurant frequented by Real Madrid football players, adding a touch of glamour to the location.
• Jarama Race Track: Close to the renowned Jarama Race Track, perfect for motorsport enthusiasts.
Financial Details
• Property Value: €300,000
• Additional Costs: Approximately 10% for taxes and fees, including property transfer tax (6%), notary fees, and registration costs
Investment Structure
We invite investors to participate in this venture by purchasing shares in the property. Each share can be acquired through a monetary investment or a marketing campaign valued at €10,000.
Benefits for Investors
• Steady Income: Revenue generated from room rentals on will be shared among investors.
• Personal Use: Investors will have the opportunity to stay at the property at a discounted rate.
• Social Impact: By investing, you contribute to promoting African and Afro-American culture and products in Spain.
Investment Process
1. Express Interest: Contact us to express your interest in the project.
2. Investment Agreement: We will provide a detailed investment agreement outlining the terms and conditions.
3. Transfer Funds: Investors will transfer the investment amount to a designated account.
4. Receive Documentation: Upon receipt of funds, investors will receive a participation certificate and a detailed report on the project.
Example Investment Agreement
Title: Investment Agreement for Pedrezuela Property
Parties Involved:
• Investor: [Investor's Name]
• Company: Fekeconsulting, ACM Import/Export, and AfroSpain Investments
Investment Amount: €10,000 (or equivalent marketing campaign)
• The investor will receive a participation certificate.
• Revenue from rentals will be distributed quarterly.
• Investors can stay at the property at a discounted rate.
• Detailed financial reports will be provided annually.
• [Investor's Signature]
• [Company Representative's Signature]
For more information about this project, please Contact us here:
This project offers a unique blend of financial returns and social impact, making it an attractive opportunity for investors worldwide. If you have any questions or need further details, feel free to reach out!
#InvestmentOpportunity, #RealEstateInvestment, #MadridProperty, #SecureROI, #BookingRental, #NatureRetreat, #SportsActivities, #AfricanInvestment, #AfroAmericanInvestment, #PedrezuelaHouse, #ImpactInvesting, #TrustworthyProjects
#OportunidadDeInversión, #InversiónInmobiliaria, #PropiedadEnMadrid, #ROIseguro, #AlquilerEnBooking, #RetiroEnLaNaturaleza, #ActividadesDeportivas, #InversiónAfricana, #InversiónAfroamericana, #CasaEnPedrezuela, #InversiónDeImpacto, #ProyectosConfiables
#OpportunitéDInvestissement, #InvestissementImmobilier, #PropriétéÀMadrid, #ROISécurisé, #LocationSurBooking, #RetraiteDansLaNature, #ActivitésSportives, #InvestissementAfricain, #InvestissementAfroAméricain, #MaisonÀPedrezuela, #InvestissementDImpact, #ProjetsFiables
#投资机会, #房地产投资, #马德里房产, #安全回报, #Booking租赁, #自然度假, #体育活动, #非洲投资, #非裔美国人投资, #Pedrezuela房子, #影响力投资, #可信项目
#ИнвестиционнаяВозможность, #ИнвестицииВНедвижимость, #НедвижимостьВМадриде, #БезопаснаяДоходность, #АрендаНаBooking, #ПриродноеУбежище, #СпортивныеМероприятия, #АфриканскиеИнвестиции, #АфроамериканскиеИнвестиции, #ДомВPedrezuela, #ИнвестицииСВоздействием, #НадежныеПроекты
#فرصة_استثمارية, #استثمار_عقاري, #عقار_في_مدريد, #عائد_آمن, #تأجير_على_Booking, #ملاذ_طبيعي, #أنشطة_رياضية, #استثمار_أفريقي, #استثمار_أفروأمريكي, #منزل_في_Pedrezuela, #استثمار_تأثير, #مشاريع_موثوقة
Discover the Richness of African Culture in Madrid
We are excited to introduce our upcoming African Products Showcase on Serrano Street, Madrid. This unique store will feature a diverse range of authentic African products, from fashion and accessories to home decor and art. Our mission is to bring the vibrant culture and craftsmanship of Africa to the heart of Madrid, offering a platform for African businesses to reach a new and affluent customer base.
Why Invest in Us?
• Prime Location: Situated on Serrano Street, one of Madrid's most prestigious shopping areas.
• High Foot Traffic: Attracting an affluent clientele eager to discover unique and high-quality products.
• Cultural Events: Engaging customers with events like jazz jam sessions and art exhibitions.
• Positive Impact: Supporting African communities through ethical sourcing and fair trade.
Join us in celebrating African excellence and making a positive impact on both African and European communities. For more details, please contact us:
Hashtags: #AfricanProducts #MadridShowcase #SerranoStreet #AfricanCulture #AfricanCraftsmanship #EthicalShopping #FairTrade #InvestInAfrica #SupportAfricanBusinesses #GoldenVisaSpain #MadridShopping #UniqueGifts #CulturalExperiences #AfricanArt #AfricanFashion #HomeDecor #GlobalCommunity #ImpactInvesting #SocialEntrepreneurship
Mots-clés: African products, Madrid store, Serrano Street, authentic African goods, cultural exchange, ethical sourcing, fair trade, investment opportunity, Spanish Golden Visa, unique products, cultural events, African art, African fashion, home decor, social impact, global community
Hashtags: #ProduitsAfricains #ExpositionMadrid #RueSerrano #CultureAfricaine #ArtisanatAfricain #AchatsEthique #CommerceEquitable #InvestirEnAfrique #SoutenirLesEntreprisesAfricaines #VisaDoréEspagne #ShoppingMadrid #CadeauxUniques #ExperiencesCulturelles #ArtAfricain #ModeAfricaine #DécorationIntérieure #CommunautéGlobale #InvestissementImpactant #EntrepreneuriatSocial
Mots-clés: Produits africains, boutique Madrid, rue Serrano, produits africains authentiques, échange culturel, approvisionnement éthique, commerce équitable, opportunité d'investissement, visa doré espagnol, produits uniques, événements culturels, art africain, mode africaine, décoration intérieure, impact social, communauté mondiale
Hashtags: #ProductosAfricanos #ExposiciónMadrid #CalleSerrano #CulturaAfricana #ArtesaníaAfricana #ComprasÉticas #ComercioJusto #InvertirEnÁfrica #ApoyarEmpresasAfricanas #VisaDoradoEspaña #ComprasMadrid #RegalosÚnicos #ExperienciasCulturales #ArteAfricano #ModaAfricana #DecoraciónDelHogar #ComunidadGlobal #InversiónDeImpacto #EmprendimientoSocial
Mots-clés: Productos africanos, tienda Madrid, calle Serrano, productos africanos auténticos, intercambio cultural, abastecimiento ético, comercio justo, oportunidad de inversión, visa dorada española, productos únicos, eventos culturales, arte africano, moda africana, decoración del hogar, impacto social, comunidad mundial
Hashtags: #ProdottiAfricani #EsposizioneMadrid #ViaSerrano #CulturaAfricana #ArtigianatoAfricano #AcquistiEtici #CommercioEquo #InvestireInAfrica #SostenereLeImpreseAfricane #GoldenVisaSpagna #ShoppingMadrid #RegaliUnici #EsperienzeCulturali #ArteAfricana #ModaAfricana #Arredamento #ComunitàGlobale #InvestimentiDiImpatto #ImprenditoriaSociale
Mots-clés: Prodotti africani, negozio Madrid, via Serrano, prodotti africani autentici, scambio culturale, approvvigionamento etico, commercio equo, opportunità di investimento, golden visa spagnolo, prodotti unici, eventi culturali, arte africana, moda africana, arredamento, impatto sociale, comunità globale
Hashtags: #AfrikanischeProdukte #MadridAusstellung #SerranoStraße #AfrikanischeKultur #AfrikanischesHandwerk #EthischerEinkauf #FairerHandel #InvestiereInAfrika #UnterstützeAfrikanischeUnternehmen #GoldenVisaSpanien #MadridShopping #EinzigartigeGeschenke #KulturelleErlebnisse #AfrikanischeKunst #AfrikanischeMode #Einrichtung #GlobaleGemeinschaft #ImpactInvesting #SozialesUnternehmertum
Mots-clés: Afrikanische Produkte, Geschäft Madrid, Serrano-Straße, authentische afrikanische Produkte, kultureller Austausch, ethische Beschaffung, fairer Handel, Investitionsmöglichkeit, spanisches Golden Visa, einzigartige Produkte, kulturelle Veranstaltungen, afrikanische Kunst, afrikanische Mode, Einrichtung, soziale Auswirkungen, globale Gemeinschaft
Chinois (simplifié):
Hashtags: #非洲产品 #马德里展览 #塞拉诺街 #非洲文化 #非洲手工艺 #道德购物 #公平贸易 #投资非洲 #支持非洲企业 #西班牙黄金签证 #马德里购物 #独特礼物 #文化体验 #非洲艺术 #非洲时尚 #家居装饰 #全球社区 #影响力投资 #社会创业
Mots-clés: 非洲产品, 马德里商店, 塞拉诺街, 正宗非洲产品, 文化交流, 伦理采购, 公平贸易, 投资机会, 西班牙黄金签证, 独一无二的产品, 文化活动, 非洲艺术, 非洲时尚, 家居装饰, 社会影响, 全球社区
Hashtags: #АфриканскиеТовары #ВыставкаМадрид #УлицаСеррано #АфриканскаяКультура #АфриканскоеРемесло #ЭтическаяПокупка #ЧестнаяТорговля #ИнвестироватьВАфрику #ПоддержитеАфриканскиеКомпании #ЗолотаяВизаИспании #МадридПокупки #УникальныеПодарки #КультурныеОпыт #АфриканскоеИскусство #АфриканскаяМода #ДекорДома #ГлобальноеСообщество #ИнвестированиеСВоздействием #СоциальноеПредпринимательство
Mots-clés: Африканские товары, магазин Мадрид, улица Серрано, аутентичные африканские продукты, культурный обмен, этические закупки, честная торговля, инвестиционная возможность, золотая виза Испании, уникальные товары, культурные мероприятия, африканское искусство, африканская мода, декор дома, социальное влияние, глобальное сообщество
Hashtags: #منتجات_افريقية #عرض_مدريد #شارع_سيرانو #الثقافة_الافريقية #الحرف_الافريقية #تسوق_اخلاقي #تجارة_عادلة #استثمر_في_افريقيا #دعم_الشركات_الافريقية #الفيزا_الذهبية_الإسبانية #تسوق_مدريد #هدايا_فريدة #تجربة_ثقافية #فن_افريقي #موضة_افريقية #ديكور_المنزل #المجتمع_العالمي #استثمار_ذو_تأثير #ريادة_الأعمال_الاجتماعية
Mots-clés: منتجات إفريقية، متجر مدريد، شارع سيرانو، منتجات إفريقية أصلية، تبادل ثقافي، شراء أخلاقي، تجارة عادلة، فرصة استثمار، فيزا ذهبية إسبانية، منتجات فريدة، فعاليات ثقافية، فن إفريقي، موضة إفريقية، ديكور المنزل، تأثير اجتماعي، مجتمع عالمي
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